Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Newsletter Pictures Continued

I was working on my sisters' biannual newsletter and found that there were too many pictures that I wanted to share. Well, isn't that why we have a blog? To share pictures? So, with no further preamble...
They never let Ammon take a nap.

Playing "fishing"
 She loves to dress up and play with her castle

 Video link: Sledding with Daddy!! The kids didn't like the snow blowing up into their faces, so they would lay on their bellies with their heads down and eyes closed. Way to be adventurous!

 Video link: Sledding with Mommy!. It was a great hill!

 Any chance she gets, Eveli eats snow. Tommy is just playing follow the leader.

 Video link: Tommy skiing with Ammon.

 It's hard to keep your skis separate from Tommy's. When you are unsuccessful, we all fall down.

 Video link: Christmas Morning. I think I was more excited to watch them then they were to open stockings and presents. Another link: More Christmas morning

Eveli didn't eat much breakfast that morning. She must have got a hold of something else to eat.

 We like to make silly faces!

 The kids love Ammon! And despite him not reading a kids book right now, that is the only viable place to sit.

Snowman #1

Snowman #2

Halloween costumes and Eveli's Christmas dress. 

 Tommy goes to Joy School with some other kids in the neighborhood. Here they are for their halloween party! Eveli was just excited that she got to stay. She usually comes home with me.

 Eveli and her friend Kambree on Burt the pony.

 Tommy and his friend Andrew on the pony.

 My Grandma Fuller with my kids!

 On the chair lift at Sundance. The fall colors were spectacular.

 Tommy's birthday. Again I think I was more excited to watch him open his gifts. I think Eveli was also more excited and 'helpful.'

 Tommy loves to dance!

Video link: Tommy Dancing. Dance Tommy, Dance!

 One day's harvest of tomatoes. I got this many about every three days during peak season!

 We went on a short hike up Diamond Fork Canyon. That is maybe 20 minutes away from our home.

 Kids throwing rocks and sticks in the river.

 Look at these beautiful cherries! And they're on sale!

I love my family! They are the best!