Monday, August 11, 2014

The Planned Activities of Summer

This has been a fun summer. Here are some of the highlights.

Grand Staircase- Escalante National Monument
We decided that we wanted to get one last camping trip in before Eveli was born. We wanted to go to a place that would allow us to hike and take Tommy. So in May we headed south to Escalante to enjoy some red rock and wind. That is exactly what we got. We stayed on BLM property which means no campground fees and first come first serve. The road was rather bumpy to get there and it took some time to find a decent place to set up. After getting our camp set up in the middle of a sandy field we headed down to the Escalante River. We hiked along the river for a while. Tommy did well but was constantly trying to get in the water.

The next day we hiked Calf Creek. It is a 6 mile hike round trip and I was 7 months pregnant. It's interesting how being pregnant initiates conversation with complete strangers. I don't know how many people stopped to ask questions or make comments to us along the trail. Tommy hiked about a fourth of the way, which was amazing! The rest of the time Ammon carried him. At the end of the trail is a waterfall and pool. We stopped to eat lunch before heading back down the trail. Most of the trail was sandy. I can't tell you how hard it is to walk on sand while pregnant. I instantly became a large waddling prego woman. I typically don't waddle while pregnant, so this is a significant point. 

Other highlights were the drive there (it is very scenic), roasted marshmallows, the moon through binoculars, being attacked by mosquitos, and the wind interacting with sand :(.The trip was a quick in and out ordeal. That area is beautiful and I hope to return some day to do some of the slot canyons, most likely without kiddos.

Orem SummerFest
Our next exciting adventure was Orem SummerFest. We wanted to take Tommy to the car show.He loves anything with wheels and is always bringing my attention to them as we drive down the street. Well, it turns out that cars sitting on the grass in a park aren't nearly as exciting as the ones that move. We enjoyed the cars more than he did. 

The highlight of the festival was the helicopter. It was supposed to be sitting on the lawn and people could walk up and take a look. After we finished the car show we walked over to where it was supposed to be only to find out that it wasn't there yet. Our luck was good and only a minute or so later we could see it flying over. It was super windy and dust was flying everywhere. I tried to cover Tommy's face so that he wouldn't get junk in his eyes, but he wanted to see the helicopter and adamantly pushed my hands away every time I tried to cover his face. It was pretty loud and I think that freaked Tommy out a bit. We stood in line so that Tommy could sit in the helicopter. Should you be surprised that when the time came to get back in the stroller and walk away he cried? No, you should not.

My Due Date: Air Show and Wedding Reception
Valerie invited us to the air show that they do each year at the airforce base. It was on my due date so we didn't let her know that we were coming until that morning. It was neat. There were a ton of different planes and jets set out. We got to walk through a cargo plane and, yet again, sit on a helicopter. Then there were cool stunt planes and para-gliders to watch. All in the hot, hot sun. 

These are some para gliders that trail smoke so that you can see them and where they are going. It looked a lot cooler in person.

Later that evening, we went to a wedding reception for one of Ammon's high school friends. This is noteworthy only because of the cute pictures of Tommy with one of his friends.
Tommy and Maddy are contemplating those strange creatures, known as adults, on the dance floor.
 We told them they could dance on the grass. So they promptly sat down on it?
They are crashing the couples first dance. I pulled out my camera about as quickly as a more responsible adult pulled out the kids.

 I think it's adorable how they hold hands. 

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