Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Act II. Starring Eveli Claire.

We have a new addition to our home. She is a sweetie. Here are some pictures to prove it. 
She arrived safely into the world on July 3rd. There weren't any serious complications. The cord was wrapped around her shoulder, so with each contraction her heart rate would drop. You can't imagine how difficult it is to focus on breathing during contractions when you can hear the monitor drastically change pace with each one. Despite that she got here and everything was fine, for both her and me.

I'm not a big fan of frills and bow, but I think her yellow bow is adorable.

 Here I am with my two kiddos. I was a little hesitant to post a hospital picture, but since she was born in the afternoon and I was getting enough sleep by sending her to the nursery, this picture doesn't look too bad. Tommy was very excited about the baby. He still likes to adorn her with kisses as well as all of his favorite toys. :) 

 She is a long baby, and unlike Tommy her feet didn't look like frog feet. They have been proportional to her body since birth.

This is her first picture shoot. She has an expressive face and mobile hands.

I love this picture! Only recently has she started to do the social smile thing. My heart melts every time!
 We love our little girl and are excited to see what kind of woman she will become. 

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