Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sewing for Science... and Kids

There is no way to catch up on the past year and half. I'm a procrastinator as it is. So let's just start from now. I made a dress recently for Eveli. It's cute. She's cute. I used this website as a guide, with a few changes of my own.

So here is a post of some sewing projects; recent and otherwise.

Eveli is such a girl. She loves necklaces. This morning she sat and dug through my unused jewelry looking for one she wanted to wear. Most of the ones she chose were too big, or didn't match in the slightest. This is what was compromised on.

The sad face is because she wanted to see the camera pictures. Most of the photos I took are blurred because she kept running around to see the camera screen. I finally laid on the ground and she felt she had been bested. Hence the face.

When Tommy was 18 months old I made him some pj pants. He has long since grown out of them and Eveli is wearing them now. They were the first clothes I ever made on a sewing machine. First time's a charm. I then proceeded to make some pants for myself. They didn't turn out nearly as well. Probably why I didn't take any pictures.

I've also made two quilts and am in the middle of a third. Over-ambitious is the word to describe my quilting projects. My very first quilt was a periodic table quilt. Each square has hand embroidered letters for the element symbols and atomic mass. It took forever! But my nerdy self says it was well worth it. 
Here it is pieced together on a sheet.

Sewn and tied together. 

This is the legend.

I used a blue sheet for the back.

Notice the purple zig-zag line. It is the boundary between metals and non metals.

I don't have pictures of the other two quilts. The second is warm but not pretty. The third is the most ambitious yet. It is huge. I am free motion machine quilting a queen sized quilt on my normal machine. What a chore. To add to the difficulty, I decided to machine quilt a leaf design onto each square and then loop-de-loops all around it. Hopefully it's beautiful when it is finished, but right now my procrastinator self is kicked in full throttle and it is on a table behind a closed door. Yikes, I really set myself up!

That's all for today. Maybe I'll get better at this blog thing.

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